Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Fridge

hes a boy dancing, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

yep...that about sez it all

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

NYPD barriers

NYPD barriers, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Duke on Christmas Day

duke xmas 2009_edited-1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.
As I close out the year, I realize that I've probably LOST more than I've gained. But there has always been one constant, and that's this guy here.

Duke was rescued from the Bergen County Animal Shelter. He had been there for about 4months and was ready to be...err..sent off to a kill shelter.

We got him and he's been my buddy ever since. He stinks, sometimes farts, and eats everything in sight. But I love him. He's awesome with The Boy, and even The Woman tolerates him.

He's a good egg that Duke...

For the camera nerds out there: this was shot with a Canon 5D classic, coupled to a SuperTak 55 f.1.8 via a Fotodiox non AF confirm chip. ISO 100 @ f2 and 1/125.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

sapporo lantern

sapporo lantern, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Was playing with a "new" lens today, an Asahi Pentax Super Takumar 55 f1.8. Yes its old...yes it's fully manual...but wowowow. The focus ring on this is awesome.

This is a lantern outside my favorite ramen joint EVAR!

Still my favorite ramen joint in NYC. Sapporo on 49th. I first discovered this place about about 5 girlfriends ago...ahhahah

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I remember when I was a kid, I LOVED the Tooth Fairy. It was an awesome deal: I got something for nothing.

It was magical...financially sublime. For a tooth, that arguably, I didn't NEED anymore (hey it was fell out!), I got CASH. Cold, hard, cash. Ducats...Moolah...Dough...

So today, the boy's first tooth came out...and I found myself wondering: What the hell is the going rate for the Tooth Fairy in this horrible economy? When I was 5 way back in the Carter Administration...the Tooth Fairy would leave me a couple of quarters...or even a buck for the bigger teeth.

But what about now? My GF told me the first one should be the most money. Okay, so like, a dollar bill would do the trick I thought.

She shot me a look as if I had just suggested we go mining for diamonds in our backyard...that is to I was crazy...

She was thinking more along the lines of a tenner...10.00...TEN DOLLARS.

Whoa! have times changed THAT much? C'mon Tooth Fairy! Publish the going rate, adjusted for inflation and the value of the US Dollar.

But's a pic of Mr. Toothless himself

Been awhile....

Seems like it's been a bit since I've posted. Life has been coming at me pretty fast lately. So fast that sometimes I feel like I can't keep my head above the ever rising tide. But sometimes, I just gotta take time out for me. So, I finally took that advice (thanks Glenn) and went to go shoot pool with my homeboy and consigliere, and my favorite beverage (that fake cappucino that 7-11 doles out of a machine).

Back in the day, I shot pool almost 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. I hadn't walked into a pool hall in almost 4 years.My cue, much to my surprise, was still straight (it's a "decent" Mali).

It almost felt like going to confession walking in there....

"Forgive me pool hall, for I have has been 4 years since my last 9-ball game...."

There will be NO shots of the game..its much too ugly to mention.

Monday, November 16, 2009


protest1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


protest3, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


protest2, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


ooops, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Port Authority Bus Terminal

Well, they DID leave a note right?


already, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Seen in a house in NJ...2 days AFTER Halloween. This damn holiday is getting earlier every year

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Filipinos have so little to be proud of in the world arena. Our home country is in shambles economically, politically, and environmentally. Those who are in America try so hard to be anything but Filipino.

Its nice that we can all rally around someone who is unabashedly, PROUDLY Filipino...And aside from that, Pac really is truly a great boxer.

So congrats Manny...and Salamat for getting people to be proud to be Filipino again.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


bamboobokeh, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Wide open on the good old Nifty 50 mk1 aint so bad...a bit splotchy, but kinda cool.

Monday, November 9, 2009


heresdomo3, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Domo got all offended when I told him to remove his Halloween costume. I had to show him what day it really was.

Strobist: Sunpak 383 high camera right@1/8th, Cybersync CSRB


heresdomo2, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Domo got all glam for his Halloween costume. Didnt really have the heart to tell him it was November 8th.

Strobist: Sunpak 383 high camera left with full cut CTO @ 1/8th. 2nd Sunpak 383 with Rosco full violet gels (from the Strobist) kit. Triggered with Cybersyncs.


heresdomo1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

I got bored last night...real bored.

Strobist: Sunpak 383 high camera left with full cut CTO @ 1/8th. 2nd Sunpak 383 with Rosco full violet and red gels (from the Stobist kit)@ 1/16th. Triggered with Cybersyncs

Saturday, November 7, 2009


selfie2, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

t and v @ toysrus

tandvtoysrus, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

my life

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


vindoofy_edited-1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Monday, November 2, 2009


dayafterdomo3, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


dayafterdomo2, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


dayafterdomo1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm really trying to make a go at this photography I force myself to think outside the box, or, at very least...outside MY box, which is admittedly kind of small.

I had/have a thing for black, but I'm a sucker for a good, colorful light display.

But even then...deep down. I'm still a car lover at heart. I heard this unearthly roar among the usual Times Square din of tourists chattering in a multitude of languages, the drone of a digideroo somewhere deep underground....The sound of a lumbering diesel city bus and the ever present cacophony of taxi cab drivers honking....

It was strange, foreign, the sound of a dozen, restrained banshees, barely contained.




see? outside the box wasn't red...or black.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mummy Domo

Mummy Domo, originally uploaded by WillyCoolPics.

love it

Thursday, October 22, 2009


IMG_7368_edited-1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Not bad for a first time portrait eh?

Actually, the original subject bagged on the shoot. O needed/wanted some Facebook pix.

so we shot this...and a few others.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

they grow up quick don't they? this is V1 making plans on the street in NYC.

when raising an autistic child, or any child for that matter, silliness must come from all...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


hitbyscooter, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

this is me about to get hit by a chick on a scooter after being awake for 36 hours. good times...

This is NOT a mummy dog....this is however, my ugly kitchen floor...hahhaha

Mummy 'dawgs

No...not canines that have been mummified...

My GF and the Boy decided to make Halloween food and they came up with something along the lines of this:

I used to be in a band...

And really? Who hasn't by now. But I really did use to write/play/perform with a band. People actually liked us...PAID to see us even. Crazy times.

Monday, October 12, 2009

wondering if there is cause for concern when my GF of 4 years, decides to put up a picture of her EX BF (and father of the child that I'm raising) up on her blog all of a sudden...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

the boy also thought that one of us is a year older than we actually are

my boy told me I said this too much

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


old but still funny

Saturday, September 26, 2009


hello-titty, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


tribute-to-mj, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

he lives on, in the hearts and moves of all of us


upsidedown, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


myadidas, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.


thepackage, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nothing I like more than starting the day being berated by my GF for doing yet ANOTHER thing wrong....

hmmm...That's kind of how I ended yesterday too...

And yes, I can speak English

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bob Edwards: racist?

Whilst setting up for a national radio talk show, host Bob Edwards walks into the studio and asks the HEAD OF THE FUCKING TALK DEPARTMENT for the ONLY satellite radio provider, if I spoke English...while I was standing 4 FUCKING FEET AWAY FROM HIM.

He then proceeded to ask me directly if I spoke English...


Where the hell do you think you are Bob? You're in the middle of New York fuckin' City, in a major broadcast facility in Midtown...

fuckin hick

riot of colors

Yeah, you're right. This shot is kind of touristy, but I thought it was kinda loud and raucous, much like NYC itself.

Deal with it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yay! my GF would rather play Sorority Life on Facebook than have sex with me....FML

Friday, September 18, 2009


monks, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Monday, September 14, 2009


My Gf's Pet Society pet and mine talk more than we do...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


dancing, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Random Act of Joy: Times Square NYC

When was the last time you felt happy enough to dance in the streets?

Yeah, me neither...

Friday, September 11, 2009


max, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

yes...its sideways