Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm really trying to make a go at this photography I force myself to think outside the box, or, at very least...outside MY box, which is admittedly kind of small.

I had/have a thing for black, but I'm a sucker for a good, colorful light display.

But even then...deep down. I'm still a car lover at heart. I heard this unearthly roar among the usual Times Square din of tourists chattering in a multitude of languages, the drone of a digideroo somewhere deep underground....The sound of a lumbering diesel city bus and the ever present cacophony of taxi cab drivers honking....

It was strange, foreign, the sound of a dozen, restrained banshees, barely contained.




see? outside the box wasn't red...or black.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mummy Domo

Mummy Domo, originally uploaded by WillyCoolPics.

love it

Thursday, October 22, 2009


IMG_7368_edited-1, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Not bad for a first time portrait eh?

Actually, the original subject bagged on the shoot. O needed/wanted some Facebook pix.

so we shot this...and a few others.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

they grow up quick don't they? this is V1 making plans on the street in NYC.

when raising an autistic child, or any child for that matter, silliness must come from all...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


hitbyscooter, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

this is me about to get hit by a chick on a scooter after being awake for 36 hours. good times...

This is NOT a mummy dog....this is however, my ugly kitchen floor...hahhaha

Mummy 'dawgs

No...not canines that have been mummified...

My GF and the Boy decided to make Halloween food and they came up with something along the lines of this:

I used to be in a band...

And really? Who hasn't by now. But I really did use to write/play/perform with a band. People actually liked us...PAID to see us even. Crazy times.

Monday, October 12, 2009

wondering if there is cause for concern when my GF of 4 years, decides to put up a picture of her EX BF (and father of the child that I'm raising) up on her blog all of a sudden...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

the boy also thought that one of us is a year older than we actually are

my boy told me I said this too much