Friday, July 27, 2012

food thief-1185

food thief-1185, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

And people wonder why my Dukie doesn't particularly like Yoshi.....


yoshiwatchespuppies-1207, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

He does this on Saturdays....after stealing Dukie's food...

Good thing Yoshi's cute...


busfeet-1213, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Derecho 07.26.2012


Derecho 07.26.2012, a set on Flickr.

Makes me wish I had an SLR that was capable of video...was very impressive looking....

More bark than bite for most...which was a good thing....


nycsummer2012-1212, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

caught ya lookin'

Thursday, July 19, 2012

[#133 explored] dog and the yawn effect

This is an awesome BW conversion...had to share.

Monday, July 9, 2012

OBX 2012, Day One.

OBX1 2012-0887OBX1 2012-0891OBX1 2012-0892OBX1 2012-0893OBX1 2012-0894OBX1 2012-0895
OBX1 2012-0896OBX1 2012-0898OBX1 2012-0900OBX1 2012-0903OBX1 2012-0906OBX1 2012-0909
OBX1 2012-0915OBX1 2012-0917OBX1 2012-0918OBX1 2012-0925OBX1 2012-0930OBX1 2012-0935
OBX1 2012-0941OBX1 2012-0944OBX1 2012-0946

OBX 2012, Day One., a set on Flickr.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Boy Scout Camping Weekend 06.15.2012

bs camp-0554bs camp-0564bs camp-0574bs camp-0575bs camp-0577bs camp-0579
bs camp-0580bs camp-0582bs camp-0582-2bs camp-0585bs camp-0586bs camp-0588
bs camp-0589bs camp-0589bs camp-0590bs camp-0590bs camp-0593bs camp-0593
bs camp-0596bs camp-0600bs camp-0603bs camp-0604bs camp-0606bs camp-0610

So, on Father's Day and the Boy did the camping thing. Made me miss my Duke, (who had just come out of surgery) and my own Father.

A rocky start to be sure, but overall, a decent experience I think.