There's very little these days that truly makes me smile, and I mean smile...not the fake pleasantries, over exuberant fakery we put on everyday...but a true, warm-your-insides kind of smile.
I picked up this book by Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain after reading some reviews. I've loved cars since I was born...always wanting to race. I do love my Duke, as those of you who have checked out either my Facebook, or this blog, or even my desk, know. So I figured this would be a good book. You know, a cute book about life written from a dog's perspective....and his owner is a race car driver...what's not to love?
I was wrong, this is not a good book....It's a GREAT book. It actually made me laugh out loud, and cry...Sometimes at the same time. It was my guilty little pleasure...being able to FEEL something.
Maybe I'm lauding it with accolades it doesn't deserve, or that might be over the top, but fuck it...this was a damn good get for it...