Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rainy Day

Rainy Day=unsexy

So...time to do the unsexiest thing imaginable...backup data...

Work Drive containing RAW files backed up to Terrabyte RAID
Finished JPEGS backed up to External Drive and RAID
Porta Drive backed up to External and RAID

My assistants are not impressed....

But they pack down nice and small....

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tilted Axes 12.21.2013

tilted axes-4384tilted axes-4393tilted axes-4396tilted axes-4400tilted axes-4401tilted axes-4403
tilted axes-4404tilted axes-4412tilted axes-4415tilted axes-4413tilted axes-4416tilted axes-4419
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tilted axes-4434tilted axes-4439tilted axes-4438tilted axes-4440tilted axes-4441tilted axes-4443

Tilted Axes 12.21.2013, a set on Flickr.

Shot this on the weekend of 12.21.2013. Was unseasonably warm. Fun little gig, but just pointed out a couple of things to me, personally, as a shooter...

1: I need to be steadier with the longer glass....

2. Shooting after 3pm or so with a 5D Classic kinda sucks during the winter, where the light just kinda disappears on you pretty quickly.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

snow day-4341

snow day-4341, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Another year to roll around in the white stuff...Go get 'em Duke.

snow day-4342

snow day-4342, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

snow day-4345

snow day-4345, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Me and Duke having a laugh...

snow day-4346

snow day-4346, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

This guy LIVES for the stuff...

snow day-4352

snow day-4352, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Not such a fan of the white stuff, Prima has had enough...

snow day-4357

snow day-4357, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

snow day-4359

snow day-4359, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

snow day-4361

snow day-4361, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Momo is Duke's favorite

snow day-4341

snow day-4341, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Sleeping problem?  Take the iPhone away and turn the phucking TV off. Done.  No problem. 

But Mother of the Year would rather pick a fight... Awesome