Thursday, March 24, 2011

havent been shooting much

So, in the past few months, I haven't shot a damn thing I like. Well, that's not entirely true. I did do a couple of things here and there, but they were for friends' kids', or this charity group. I don't have permission to post these.

But overall, I haven't shot a thing.

Reasons: sure, its easy to blame the day job, but I'm not sure that's really it. It DOES take up 80% of my time...the rest being spent doled out among sleeping, eating, and family. It HAS sucked the life right out of me on certain days...and it HAS recently put me in a bad mood (or...worse anyway).

But is that it?

I troll ebay for lenses that I want, but can't afford...or for lighting gear that I would like to try, but can't afford. So GAS isn't an issue (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). I'm really digging my Sigma 50mm since it was calibrated...Still loving my 5D Classic....and my sister got me this brand spankin hotrod laptop for photo the tech lust is still there...

But I've got no juice man....nothing. My street shooting sucks ass so I wind up deleting most of the pics. I carry my 5D everyday, but just can't bring myself to pull it out and shoot.

No juice.

Not in the electrical sense mind you, the creative one.

Dunno. Maybe coz the day job has become such a grind...that dried up the juice. Maybe,  me missing the Woman/GF (even tho we're in the same damn house) has something to do with it. I can't get my financial woes to stop from haunting me....maybe that's killed the juice.

Maybe I never had any to begin with?

Can't seem to wrap my head around a lot of things these days. Maybe, as they say, "This too will pass."


Erin McIntyre said...

I hear ya. I took a second job to try to stop the financial woes. Now I REALLY have no juice because I barely have time to sleep. This sucks.

All MMIXed Up said...

if you ever have time to come along to performances to snap some shots, or to do another photo essay like we did at the Asian fair, lemme know. would love to have you hang out!

All MMIXed Up said...

that's me Jocelyn = All MMiXed Up, by the way

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