Sunday, February 21, 2010


This weekend the boy had his birthday, I shot that.

Then, we went to Chinatown in NYC and took in the Lunar New Year Parade...shot that...about 8GB worth.

Gonna give a go at a full Lightroom workflow all of these.

But ya know what really gets by goat? When people just assume that whatever you shoot in camera should be what they get. I mean, to a point, they're correct, but when you shoot in RAW its a whole new ball game.

The Woman for instance loved this little edit in Lightroom/Photoshop that I did:

But she doesn't seem to understand that I didn't SHOOT it this way. She doesn't understand WHY it takes me so long to get the pictures to her right away

It's kind of like having a deadline for a publication...except I'm not getting paid for it. OR getting published. I thought this was supposed to be a hobby....wasn't this supposed to be fun?


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