Tuesday, February 9, 2010

yep...another day of a whole lotta nuttin...

Today was yet another Monday in a never ending string of Mondays. No different from any other Monday. I awoke with some difficulty and with my usual level of crankiness. I saw The Boy off to school, in itself an accomplishment as I'm still comatose when he gets up.

I think I spoke to The Woman, but then again, I wasn't fully awake, I can't really be sure.

I checked the batteries and loaded up a fresh CF card in the 5D, and headed to the bus stop.

Then...nothing. It was a blur of emails, phone calls, computer troubleshooting, and intern wrangling. The high (low) point of the day was aiding an overpaid, surly, self-important, Australian skate boarder/MMA. Why he has a show is a mystery to me. I'm sure someone thought it was a good idea. But when the material included a 10 minute diatribe on goat-fucking and how he'd like to kill everyone in the halls...I'm not sure that's gonna dig this company out of the doldrums.

When I left, I walked to Port Authority with camera in hand, but I just couldn't bring myself to make an image. I just wasn't SEEING anything. It all looked the same. It all felt the same. It's New York City dammit, there should've been SOMETHING along those 9 blocks right? I'm sure there was, but the point is: I wasn't seeing it.

I'm now in a creative rut. It joins my career rut and personal rut in keeping my financial rut company. My brain is paralyzed by something; by everything.

I've read and reread so many things about trying to kick start your cerebellum in times like these. But right now, I just can't make them stick.

So there is no image in the Project 365 for today. In fact tomorrow, I'm not even going to bother bringing the camera. Maybe I'm just trying to force the issue.

So tomorrow will be the first day in a long while that I don't have the 5D with me. Aliens will probably land in Midtown tomorrow, and I won't have a damn camera. But maybe that's the chance I'll take.


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