Friday, February 12, 2010

41/42 of 365: eeeks @ 38

41/42 of 365: eeeks @ 38, originally uploaded by eeeksnyc.

So this is what 38 looks like. Well, for me anyway. So what's that mean?

Less hair on the head, more in the nostrils. I've got the same waist size as when I was 28, but I'm filling out the top more. My legs and back hurt more than when I was 30. I've grown older yes, but not necessarily wiser.

Good things: I have a family. I'm a dad. I'm living under a fairly stable home. Sure its old...but then again, so am I. We've got character you see...character.

More good things: I'm not dead yet. My weight is mostly under control as is my blood pressure and cholesterol. I've not yet broken a bone, or had to be hospitalized. That's good right?

I'm living with the woman I've dreamed of for many years. After all our bullshit, we're still together (mostly).

My family, even though we're scattered and intermittently angry/frustrated/crazed, is still MY FAMILY.

I've got a good job and a great team.

I'm quitting smoking for my birthday.

All in all. Its pretty good. It could be better. I could be more patient, understanding..less dour. But its all good.

Thanks Mom and Pop and Joce. And you too Jason. Your presence and absence are felt and acknowledged every day.

Sorry for being such a dick to everyone else, especially Bravo 1 and V1. I love you both more than I'm comfortable to admit.

Photography related...not so much. except for this picture. But hey, is MY birthday and I'll blog what I want to...

(yah okay, corny. sorry. we oldies tend to get that way)


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